Just Five Steps to get your Home Energy Score

Getting a Home Energy Score is a great first step in identifying areas where you can improve your home's energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills.

Schedule your assessment

It's as simple as tapping the Get my HES Now button above

Prepare your home

Before the assessment, take some time to prepare your home. Make sure that all areas of the home are accessible, including the attic, crawl space, and basement.

Assessment day

During the assessment, your home energy score assessor will spend several hours conducting a thorough evaluation of your home's energy performance. This will involve entering each room in your home, taking pictures, and measurements.

Receive your HES

Within a few hours of the assessment, you will receive an invoice for the assessment. Once paid, you will be provided with your DOE home energy score. This score rates your home's energy performance on a scale of 1 to 10.

Make Improvements

Use your score to identify areas for energy improvements at home, such as upgrading insulation, sealing air leaks, or installing efficient appliances. Improve your home's energy performance to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Watch this short video to learn more about the Home Energy Score program

Get Started

Schedule your HES (Home Energy Score) now to learn how your home is performing and where you can make improvements to save on energy costs and usage.
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